Cook Co. Crash Report: 2 killed in semi vs. SUV crash on I-80WB near Harlem Ave

Crash Report – I-80 WB between LaGrange and Harlem, Chicago, IL 


Report ID: 2024 September 15

NCIC#: Unknown

OFFICER ID#: Unknown

Traffic Unit(s) Involved: 2

Occupants: At least 2

Injuries/Fatalities: Yes

Vehicle Damage (If Any): Unknown but likely

Property Damage (other than vehicles): Unknown

Road Surface Condition: Unknown

Manner of Crash Impact (Single Vehicle, Angle, Left Turn, Rear-End, Head-On, Sideswipe, U-Turn, Other, Unknown): Unknown

Location of Pedestrian/Cyclist (If Any): N/A


CHICAGO, IL -An accident involving an SUV and an 18-wheeler killed two people Sunday on the south side of Chicago.

The accident happened just before 4:30 a.m. on the westbound side of I-80 between Harlem Avenue and LaGrange Road. This is north of Union Creek Park.

Police haven’t yet commented on what caused a Dodge SUV and a semi to collide, nor have they released the names of the victims.

Authorities closed the westbound side of I-80 while emergency teams worked at the scene.

A full investigation is underway.

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